
    ايقونات التواصل الاجتماعي

If you’re not reading TheGatewayPundit.com daily, you might not be in the loop on the stunning political revelations now coming out almost by the hour. Over the last week or so, we’ve learned that Barack Obama masterminded an organized crime cartel that actively sought to carry out a political “spygate” coup against President Trump

 The actions pursued by Barack Obama, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe and others are acts of treason against the United States of America. This is why the FBI and DoJ have been desperately stalling the release of documents… once Devin Nunes acquires them, there’s no question that at least several high-level operatives in the
Obama regime will be charged with multiple felony crimes

 One of the people who may ultimately be charged, believe it or not, is Barack Obama himself, an active traitor to America who systematically attempted to destroy this nation while handing over nuclear weapons capabilities to America’s enemies (such as Iran). Newly uncovered texts from Peter Strzok reveal that Obama was running the illegal spying operation on Trump. And James Clapper openly admitted to spying on the Trump campaign on national television earlier this week. (But the lying left-wing media is now trying to claim the word “spies” doesn’t mean “spies.” Very clintonesque, isn’t it?)

Why Barack Obama may be going to PRISON for crimes against America

If you’re not reading TheGatewayPundit.com daily, you might not be in the loop on the stunning political revelations now coming out almost by the hour. Over the last week or so, we’ve learned that Barack Obama masterminded an organized crime cartel that actively sought to carry out a political “spygate” coup against President Trump

 The actions pursued by Barack Obama, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe and others are acts of treason against the United States of America. This is why the FBI and DoJ have been desperately stalling the release of documents… once Devin Nunes acquires them, there’s no question that at least several high-level operatives in the
Obama regime will be charged with multiple felony crimes

 One of the people who may ultimately be charged, believe it or not, is Barack Obama himself, an active traitor to America who systematically attempted to destroy this nation while handing over nuclear weapons capabilities to America’s enemies (such as Iran). Newly uncovered texts from Peter Strzok reveal that Obama was running the illegal spying operation on Trump. And James Clapper openly admitted to spying on the Trump campaign on national television earlier this week. (But the lying left-wing media is now trying to claim the word “spies” doesn’t mean “spies.” Very clintonesque, isn’t it?)

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